Edgar commented on the post, Openness and the Real Iris API 11 years ago
Not really anything special, I just rather see the admins quickly add the functions and products we ask for in a timely matter. No saying we are adding something, and then a year later its still not there.
Edgar commented on the post, More on the Iris Garage Door Opener 11 years ago
I personally can not wait for this product. Ill be the ginny pig cause Ithis is what I have been wanting for a long time
Edgar commented on the post, Update: Iris Hub Upgrade v3.06r83 Available 11 years ago
I agree. Has not fixed the problems. I have 2 extenders that have not given me any problems at all and both have a strong signal. On my 3rd, it shows low signal 4 feet from the hub. I went to Lowe’s and replaced […]
Edgar changed their profile picture 11 years ago
Edgar commented on the post, Where is the Meter Reader, Tilt Sensor, & Others 11 years ago
I have done some research on this particular device. Be aware of the type of meters the meter reader can read. I was also upset that I could not find this device at Lowe’s at all so, I started researching on the […]
Edgar became a registered member 11 years ago