
  • Norris Niebuhr posted an update 10 years ago

    The good news is what you are going to do is transform your personal computer, a work machine available for you so far, into showing you scintillating TV exercising – news; cartoons; live shows; dramas; dare-devil events of bike races; boxing; sports; movies of horror, thriller, beautiful stories and hilarious comedies etc. So a broadcaster doesn’t have to choose what direction to go in. In the olden days, a station could be smooth jazz and serve an older audience, or switch to Top 40 and serve a younger audience – but it couldn’t do both. Traditional medium content marketers like radio stations/networks think that this whole internet thing is the end of their business model. Radio Station Programming Consultant Scott Perreault is a radio and narration voice veteran who offers free example liners custom written and produced for your radio station.Until news of the gambling investigation surfaced, and resurfaced, Drennan held down mid-mornings at Salem sports talk WKNR…moving from morning drive after the station added ESPN Radio’s “Mike and Mike”.Students also become familiar with audience ratings and market research, identification of target markets, and the integration of promotional elements to promote radio stations and other audio media. Introduces the scientific method and the processes of primary quantitative and qualitative research in marketing communications.Capitol Marketing could not stop the rain but they did provide us with a Packer win and some great memories. Early commercial and professional radio services relied exclusively on long wave, low frequencies and ground-wave propagation. Line-of-sight is the direct propagation of radio waves between antennas that are visible to each other.Right now I wish I had $500-million in the bank so that we could buy enough equipment (at a great price from manufacturers who realize that their business dies if radio dies), line up regional engineers (to insure it’s done consistent), hire a staff of great radio minds (that are looking for jobs) and build some nice studios to get this project going. With the conventional wisdom being that consumers are more likely to make a purchase if recommended by a friend or family member, chief marketing officers are keen to insert themselves in a Facebook or Twitter conversation about the products and services they sell.