Not ready for prime time

Home Forums All Things Iris Not ready for prime time

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Hav Mir Hav Mir 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #522
    Profile photo of Hav Mir
    Hav Mir

    After 4.06r05 (1.31) hub update; a device stops responding to the hub and simply drops out everyday. I have had to remove and install device after device and/or call Iris/Lowes when I simply could not get it back on line. I have nearly 30 devices and they were all working perfectly until 4.06r05 (1.31). Now, no matter what I do … it will not recognize my fob, though it does see my wife’s fob. I’m to the point of dismantling the system and selling it off if I cannot get refunds. This system is simply too buggy and Iris/Lowes is not supporting it adequately. Tell me why we should put up with this poor technology? I’m about to dump it all on eBay and write article after article about how UNRELIABLE Iris is at this point. FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE RETRACT 4.06r05 (1.31) and go back to earlier firmware until you have a working update!!!!

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