Iris's new hub??

Home Forums All Things Iris Iris's new hub??

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Hav Mir Hav Mir 9 years, 4 months ago.

  • Author
  • #518
    Profile photo of Darth Vader
    Darth Vader

    Is Lowe’s/Iris going to purchase Wink?

    Is Wink going to be Lowe’s savor to get out from under AlertMe?

    Is this the “new” hub?

    Stay tune Same Bat channel Same Bat time

    With layoffs at Leeo and Wink for sale, is the smart home crumbling?

  • #521
    Profile photo of Hav Mir
    Hav Mir

    Clearly, you know a great deal more than I do … however here’s what I found out.

    My hub glitched yesterday – my fault I think – and I was online with Iris tech at midnight to get my system back on … we couldn’t do it. I left the system on “configuring” all night long and the hub went online sometime in the wee hours of the morning.

    While working with the nice tech chick – I asked her about the new hub; she said its about to come out and they are very excited about it … kind of a canned response.

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